Collection: Avium Caos Series
The Avium Caos series follows in the footsteps of Garden of Delight, continuing the exploration of fantastical and dreamlike worlds inspired by the vibrant universe of Hieronymus Bosch. This new series was born from an immersive experience on Howe Island, where the lively ecosystem, home to hundreds of birds, influenced each brushstroke. Created outdoors by the water’s edge, these works capture the essence of this rich soundscape, where the songs of mockingbirds, the dance of terns, and the murmurs of countless other birds blend into a natural symphony.
Avium Caos unfolds in both colorful works and black-and-white pieces, each exploring distinct aspects of this universe. The colorful works convey the chaos and vitality of nature through abstract forms and vivid hues, celebrating the freedom and intensity of wildlife. In parallel, the black-and-white pieces focus on pure movement: they capture the beating of wings, sudden flights, and the unpredictable paths of birds, as graphic snapshots of a frenetic and organic dance.
Through Avium Caos, each piece invites the viewer to dive into a world in perpetual motion, where the raw energy and fleeting beauty of nature are revealed in chaotic harmony. The colorful works and black-and-white pieces engage in a dialogue, offering a multifaceted vision of this avian ecosystem and the dynamic life that flows through it, unveiled through your unique artistic lens.
Naturae Chaos
Regular price $1,750.00 CADRegular priceUnit price / per -
Volucrum Symphonia
Regular price $1,750.00 CADRegular priceUnit price / per